After forty-plus years in the US Nuclear industry, I’ve come to realize that I’ve been lucky to work in an industry that has been shaped by a culture of knowledge sharing. Unlike many other industries that are protective of their business processes and information in order to be competitive in the markets they operate in, […]
When I look back on my initial license training program to obtain my Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license, I recall the intense amount of plant information and tasks I needed to learn just to be able to pass the final NRC exam. Over three decades ago, the SRO operating exam consisted […]
A year ago, I wrote about our new The Mentor Program℠ that was launched to help develop newly appointed training leaders in the industry. The new program was designed to help match experienced mentors from our industry with current nuclear professionals who were recently promoted into a training manager role. An individualized, online experience The online mentoring […]
When I started my nuclear career at Seabrook Station in 1981, the facility was under construction. I was concerned that the industry was going to be severely challenged because of the Three Mile Island (TMI) accident that occurred in 1979. Over the years, I was impressed by the resiliency of our industry and the progress […]

Do you ever think about how you learned what you know today? By Dan Roy I recently reflected on how I used flash cards to learn my multiplication tables when I was young, and today I see children using calculators instead. I laugh because when I started my freshman year of engineering school, I learned […]
Have you benefited from having an amazing mentor during your career? If you answered yes, you probably realize that a great mentor can accelerate your professional development and propel you to success. Having someone show you the ropes and provide real-life examples of how they managed challenges common to your position is a huge asset. […]

We are excited to be collaborating with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and their vision to centralize the common elements of initial training programs for front-line workers in the nuclear industry. In May, the EPRI Board of Directors approved a project plan to start a journey in creating a Common Initial Chemistry Training Program. The EPRI […]